Monday, April 09, 2007

God Already Knows....

I just returned from Kenya after participating in a conference for missionaries who were in the midst of their first term. I didn't know exactly what to expect from the conference and little did I know what answers to prayers God had in store for me. Most of you know that I have really missed having fellowship with friends....You know, those friends who you just "click" with and can do nothing but still have a wonderful time! God sent those friends on a mission trip to Kenya!

A wonderful group of ladies from Cherryville, NC (where my aunt Lib lives) and Florida came to the conference thinking their mission was to provide childcare for the missionaries..>However, God knew that I was needing encouragment, laughter and "southern twang" also. I was even a cousin to one of the ladies from Cherryville who came! She's in the hat with glasses and the big laugh!

If you are fortunate enough to have a set of friends that you count as family, then you'll understand how encouraging this was for me!

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