Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Who's taking the picture?
I just thought this was a cute picture. The kids are so amazed when they can see themselves in the camera. Its fun to show them and to use the zoom feature on them.
Monday, December 17, 2007
The latest....
Now this week I am sorting, packing, cleaning and doing all that fun stuff in preparation for my departure on December 26. Then I should be in the states on December 28. As I sit here with sweat pouring off my face because it is so hot I think I'll be glad to be cold for a while. It will be interesting to go from the 30C temp to the 30F temp.
I'll look forward to seeing alot of you soon. I hope to update my blog again before I leave but tonight I"m not making any promises!
Sunday, November 25, 2007
A friends 30th Birthday
The other week a New Tribes missionary friend of mine celebrated her 30th birthday. To help her celebrate we had a progressive dinner for the ladies.
We went to 3 different houses and enjoyed some really good Mexican food ending with a dessert buffet at the last house.
At each house she received 30 of something whether it was 30 m&m's or 30 recipes or 30 Scripture verses.
There was a good group of ladies who were able to participate. We laughed as we thought about the sight we must have been 20 ladies piling in and out of cars going into the houses and coming out a little later. It was a good time.
The anticipation of it all...
But you know something I'm not looking forward to is having to pump my own gas when I fill up the gas tank. I admit it I've gotten spoiled here by just pulling up to the gas station and saying fill it up. They do it, I pay and I'm on my way.
Just a few things I've thought of as I look towards heading to the states in a month.
However today I am looking forward to receiving my guests who will be arriving from Florida!
Mozambican Wedding
The day started at 10 am at the government office in Nampula. It was the official civil ceremony for the wedding and mainly involved the signing of the wedding document. Everyone arrived on foot or in the back of trucks or however they could.
It was a really hot day but I guess this is the really hot time of the year for Mozambique.
Monday, November 12, 2007
You watched ESPN?
Someone was praying...
I arrived at the church and we started the service. I was sitting at the front of the church where the guests sit and I admit that my attitude wasn’t the best as I was sitting there listening to the Makhuwa words and songs. Then all of a sudden I had a complete attitude change. I was sitting there and my bad attitude changed to one of a peace and enjoyment about being there. I looked at my cellphone to see the exact time because I knew at that moment that God had lead someone to pray for me. It was at 9:58 am Africa time on Sunday November 11 which 7 hours ahead of Eastern Standard time.
So if you were praying for me at that time I just want to say thank you. And I want to say thank you for the many times that you have prayed for me whether it was middle of the night or middle of the day. Your prayers do make a difference!
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Carol and the kids
A girls trip
The quiet little girl
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
The story of the Bible
Carol and the fish guy
Carol and Whitey
Friday, October 26, 2007
An American moment
After a few minutes I realized Carol there was nothing wrong with the side of the road he went on, he did it the correct way. I thought wow what an American moment.
Then after we transported the body we were leaving the house. It ended up that I was leaving at the same time as the other car. I thought good I can follow them out of this neighborhood. I started following the guy. Eventually he stopped and got my attention. I said are you going back to the hospital. He smiled and said not until I visit my friend who lives up this road, he said you need to go back and turn on the other road. I laughed and said thanks. I followed the road he told me and I found my way out of the neighborhood and made it back to my house.
A new home for Coconut
Another visit to Pedro's mom
She said that she was sad when she heard that I was leaving because she is always happy when I go to visit her.
On my way home from that trip I was reminded of how my connection when that area really started. I had gone to the area but then the day that I transported the dead body, the day that I didn’t want to do that, but it worked out so that I did. God used that day to help me build more relationships in that area of Murrupula.
During the trip on Wednesday I went with Pastor M to visit some of his family. As we were sitting there I saw a lady and my heart really broke for her. I prayed for her. I asked Pastor if she was a Christian and he said no. That gave me the opportunity to say next week can we come back and do evangelism training for the church here and then we can come back and visit her? So we set up a time to do the training and we’ll go back and visit her and talk with her.
I stopped again at Pedro’s mom house and invited her to go to the training. She agreed to go to the training. It will be a good time for her to hear the story of the Bible from beginning to end.
As I got back to Nampula that evening I went to a restaurant with some other people. If I would have let myself I could have cried for the people as I thought of the ones I had seen during the day.
The Pastor told me that he had had his time playing with his friends and now I could go play with my friends when it was my turn to go visit with Pedro’s mom. I thought that was cute.
We also dropped off the Pastor’s wife at her family’s house. The mom wasn’t there when we dropped off the wife. We went and did some other visits and then came back and the mom was there this time. She said I was at a neighbor’s house and I saw the car and I knew that was Carol’s truck. I thought that was neat that she recognized the truck and knew it was mine.
Monday, October 01, 2007
Hat Man
First we started on nice paved road. Then, too quickly, we were off the nice paved smooth road to the pothole filled dirt road. After about 30 minutes on that road we turned off through the grass weeds continuing to the mission church where we were going. Finally we arrived after the path through the weeds had gotten smaller and smaller. We arrived to a location where once again I was the third missionary and first female to arrive at that area. We were there for baptisms.
After a few minutes we entered the church building and the pastor asked questions of the 6 baptism candidates. Questions such as what is your testimony? Then after successfully answering these questions we began the walk to the watering hole. It wasn't too far of a walk however the sun was hot and there was not any shade on the path or once we arrived at the water. We walked through gardens of cabbage and carrots. One of the nationals even gave me a cucumber to eat as we walked.
We arrived at the water and it was so interesting because the ladies all stood on one side and the men on the other side. Then the pastor shared some words before baptizing the people. After the baptism some of the people stayed at the watering hole to take a bath. After all you don't want to miss an opportunity for that since water can be scarce for the Africans.
After returning to the church we had a church service. One of the groups even sang a song in English called I love you Jesus. They really did good.
Lunch was eventually served at about 2:30 pm, afterwhich we returned to Nampula.
Clean your faces
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Random thoughts on singleness
Almost 40 and not married whats wrong with you? 20 years old and you only want to get married whats wrong with being single? 50 years old and happily single? No Sunday School class at your church which you feel a part of because you aren’t married or you don't have children? Do any of these sound familiar? Tired of hearing the clichés like God has the right one just waiting for you? Or stop looking and it will happen.
Singleness is meant to be a gift not a time when you feel like a lesser person because you don’t have a spouse or children. The single life can be fulfilling but it can also be frustrating. I challenge you to think about one question is your church single friendly? Are you single friendly? Not to be a matchmaking service for singles but to be a place where singles can join together for support and encouragement. Did you notice the person who quietly walked into to the church service last Sunday and sat by himself? Did you go talk to him? Did you reach out to him? Or were you in such a hurry to get out that you didn’t acknowledge him?
Being single doesn’t always mean that we have more money because it is only one person to care for and it doesn’t mean we have more time for God’s work. We are still people who have needs and wants. I challenge you have you said before he’s not married he has time to do such and such? Maybe singles do have more flexible time than what married people with children have but maybe you are expecting them to do things they don’t want to do just because they are single.
If you’ve been married for 10 or 20 years do you remember what it was like to be single? Or have you ever known? Were you married straight out of high school or college? Do you remember how sometimes it would just be nice to have a family dinner time? Yes even with the 3 year old who throws his food all over the place or the 6 year old who wants to tell you about his pet turtle or the 10 year old who doesn’t want to practice the piano like you are asking him to do.
In God's eyes we each have a gift which we can bring to His service and that is what we are called to do. For some people that may mean having 6 children, for others that may mean never having children of their own. But the one thing that He calls us to do is to love Him first and foremost and to love others, whether it is the single, the married, the widowed, the divorced, or whoever it might be.
Utah team
Gas station
Friday, September 07, 2007
Labor Day
Even though Labor Day is not an official holiday in Mozambique, I still enjoyed the day with a trip to the beach. Jimmy, another Baptist missionary, is leaving soon to move to his new work area. With the move he will be a 6 to 9 hour drive away depending on the roads. As a goodbye a few of us went to the beach for the day. We were hoping to see whales as this is their migration season but we didn't see them on this trip. Maybe in October we will have the opportunity to travel to the beach again to see the whales.
Literacy Training
3 day old baby
Seeing things anew
Before my recent bush travels a friend of mine encouraged me to see things anew on this trip, to see things like I was seeing them for the first time. I thought how do I do that? I started looking and I began to see how far God has brought me during these past two and a half years. I began to see things that I had become accustomed to on my travels, things such as bathrooms. I remember one of my first trips out to the bush I barely drank any water because I didn’t want to use the bush bathroom. Now that isn’t as much of an issue. Or how I can eat supper at 10pm by the light of a kerosene lamp and be okay with it even if it is incredibly hard to see the chicken pieces.
Sunday, September 02, 2007
3 days travel
Have you seen the xray?
We went to the hospital which was about 2 hours away. I wasn't sure exactly what we would find. Thankfully, the guy wasn't in too bad of shape. He could walk slowly and he could talk. He was having pain in his kidney area.
The Pastor went through the process of finding him in the hospital and checking him out of the hospital. After a while we started on our way back to Nampula. Along the way we stopped at about 3 different places, two of them being police checkpoints and the other one being the scene of the accident. At each place the Pastor asked if he knew what happened to the guy's documents, where was the car that had the Jesus film equipment and then he showed the xray. It was the funniest thing to me to see him showing all these people the xray of the guy's back. I had to laugh at the situation as he showed the xray everywhere we stopped.
When we returned to Nampula we went to the hospital here so the guy could get examined. After about 3 hours he was on his way home again with prescriptions for pain medication.
Now, the guy is doing better I was able to see him yesterday. I'm not sure if the Pastor has been able to locate the Jesus film equipment yet but hopefully he will.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Pedro's mom
She did come to the church. I noticed that she stayed in the church for the part of the service which I helped with during the church dedication. Then she went outside and sat. I went outside a little later and she called me over to where she was. Let me rephrase that she motioned to me to come over to her. (We have communication issues because I don't speak Makhuwa and she doesn't speak Portuguese.)
She had brought food for me to eat while I was at church, it was chema and hard boiled eggs. I was so touched! It was so sweet and unexpected.
I would ask that you continue to pray for her. I do plan on visiting her again and I pray that God is softening her heart to Him. I would ask that you would pray for someone who would be a Makhuwa translator who would be willing to go visit her with me.
What is cool?
Have you ever wondered what the word "cool" means? I'm not thinking in terms of temperature, I'm thinking in terms of saying wow that was cool or he/she is cool. This past weekend when I was at a church dedication these guys posed for photos, I told them you're cool. So I thought I would share the pictures with you so you could see what "cool" is in Nampula area.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
A few cultural things I've experienced
When I was out with another missionary the other week visiting the nationals in Malawi. One of the nationals asked her if I was her daughter. That just showed us that they can't tell our ages anymore than we can tell their ages. The other missionary is actually about eight years younger than me.
Also when I was in Malawi I was carrying a small duffel bag on my back. The ladies asked the other missionary if I had my baby in it. They were afraid my baby was in there and it was hid.
The guy came to the house the other day to collect the info for the census. One of the questions was how many animals do you have in your house/yard? Of course I was expecting to answer 2 dogs. Well dogs wasn't one of the choices. The choices for animals were goats, cows, chickens, pigs, and ducks....
Rat on a stick
Bathroom line?
Monday, August 06, 2007
Malawi travels
At the end of July I traveled to Malawi for our annual meeting of the missionaries in Mozambique and Malawi. It is amazing the different terrain which is seen once you cross the border into Malawi. On our way to and from the meetings we were able to stay in the tea plantations outside of Blanytre, Malawi. This was a nice time of relaxation and enjoyment and taking time to enjoy God's creation.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Who is the driver?
An orphanage visit
Thursday, July 12, 2007
The first female
Recently I traveled to an area in the Nampula district but it was only 3 k's from the next district of Murrupula. We went about 35 k's on a nice paved road and then we turned off onto a dirt path. I had traveled on the dirt path road before up to a certain Baptist mission. We went to that Baptist Mission first. Then after quickly stopping there and picking up and dropping off people and things, we continued to our destination.
As we continued the path got smaller and smaller. We crossed two small bathing holes or creeks as Americans would probably call them. After crossing one of the creeks we got stuck. Thankfully a man came along and used his machette to chop down a tree which was in the path so that we could continue on our way. We all said Gracas a Deus (Thank you Lord) when we arrived at the church.
Upon arriving I was told that I was only the 3rd American to have visited that mission. Two other missionary guys were there before. Thus I was the first female to visit there! Quite a claim to fame to have. The people were very glad to see us.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Peanuts and more peanuts
Visit with Pedro's mom
As I turned off the main road I was back on the road where I had delivered the body of the deceased last week. We stopped at the deceased's house as we went by. The mother of the deceased came out to the truck and she grabbed my hand and kept saying thank you. She was so grateful for my delivering the body last week. She continued holding my hand and then she said anytime I am on that road I am to stop at their house because I always have a place at their house. I thought that was so sweet. She and her family were just grateful for what I had done last week. And to think this was the day I was more worried about making my appointment than I was about delivering the body. Thankfully God works in spite of me.
We continued down the road a little ways and arrived at Pedro's mom house. It was a good visit. She said that she was happy because I wanted to come and just visit with her. She prepared a simple lunch of rice and fish but it was good. True to African family tradition her sister and brother also came to visit with us and Pedro's brothers and sisters who live in that area.
After eating the pastor who had traveled with us asked me to take him to his house which was about 8 k's down the road. I said okay. I took him to his house. Then the photo shoot began, see separate entry for that info.
We then returned to Pedro's moms house and then began our way back to Nampula. We had another stop to make before we could leave the area though. We stopped to pick up another lady who wanted to return to Nampula. When we stopped they said Carol we have food for you, we want you to eat. I really wasn't hungry but I said okay. I got out of the truck and went to where two other ladies were and began eating...Well, I forgot one major thing. It is typical African tradition to have a bowl of water which you put your hands in to wash them before and also after you eat. I had just cleaned my hands with hand sanitizer so I forgot the part of washing my hands and I just put my hand directly in the food. As soon as I did it I realized what I had done and I just looked at the other ladies and laughed and quickly drew my hand back. Then washed my hands in the water bowl. They laughed with me. After eating we once again began our journey to Nampula.
It was a good day. While I was there I was able to set up times to return to show the Jesus film and also to do a literacy workshop in the coming weeks. I hope to have opportunity to visit again with Pedro's mom and to build a relationship with her and others who are in that area.
Who had the camera?
Pedro's mom
Monday, July 02, 2007
Sunday celebrations
It is a great testimony for a church to be here and still established after 25 years so everyone was excited.
After the service there was a meal which include goat, beef, chicken, rice, beans and other good foods. There was even a really nice cake which tasted as good as it looked.
Those in attendance were like a "who's who" among the Baptists in this area. Quite a few of the out of town pastors and laypeople were in attendance for this celebration. They all wanted to talk to Carol after the service. But that was okay because their were some who I needed to talk to. As I was looking around the congregation I realized how many of the people I knew. I thought wow God is good as I look at how far He has brought me during these past two and a half years. Granted I still don't know everyone but I sure do know alot more than I did when I first started. Great is thy faithfulness O God my Father.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
The urgency of it all
Now that I’m home I have tears in my eyes as I think about her and wonder how many others are out there who have never heard. Is there enough time to tell them all? I ask myself the hard question: have I been diligent to share with those around me? Have I shared with those who God puts in my path, I don’t want to miss opportunities which He has for me. I’m sure I’ve missed opportunities before and I don’t want to miss them again.The lady who died lived in the same area as the Makhuwa lady who I saw the other day who I will be visiting on Tuesday. It is in the town of Murrupalu about 2 hours away. I keep ending up on that same road there. I keep thinking what does God have planned for this area? What does He want me to do in this area? I know it has to be something because it is not just coincidence the number of times I have ended up there these past few days.
One thing which led me to the mission field was a mission trip which I took to Brazil. It was a trip of showing the Jesus film in villages along the Amazon River. While I was there I became so overwhelmed for the missionary who was left behind to disciple the new believers. I said this one person can’t do it by himself. I think the same thing with these people in Murrupula, if and when they make decisions for Christ are they getting the basic Christian teaching which they need? Are they getting the teachings? A hard concept for nationals here seems to be to understand that they can have a personal relationship with God and how He can be their friend. I think they see Him as someone above them, someone they might have a hard time relating to.
I know God has something planned for this area of the Nampula province I would ask that you would pray for the people in this area. Pray that they would have an open heart and mind. Pray that I would have wisdom and endurance to follow God’s plan for me for this area. I think there is something He wants me to do there and I want to be open to it.
Next time ask more questions...
The body was brought out on a stretcher and put in the back of the truck. The corpse was covered in a white sheet from head to toe. Then we were on our way with a car full of people. I was making sure to drive carefully and slower than usual because I didn’t want the body to fall out the back since the tailgate wouldn’t close because of the body.
We got on the main road and about 35 kilometers outside of town I began to realize that we were going out a lot further than I thought we would. We kept going and going. I thought she had lived in town I didn’t realize until later that we are going to this pastor’s hometown area which is about 2 hours away. I thought I have an appointment and I’m going to miss it because I didn’t ask where we were going in enough detail. Of course then I also felt guilty because I was frustrated that I was missing something I wanted to do when this family was dealing with the death of a loved one.
We continued on our way. It was a challenge to go slow because this is a road I’m use to going kind of fast on because it is a good paved road. But I kept slowing down as I remembered the body in the back.
We turned off the main road and there were people there waiting for us. A common thing here is for the ladies to loudly wail as their form of crying. The ladies on the road began doing that while others followed us in the car. We arrived at the house and the body was taken inside the house.
We stayed for a little while and then we were on our way back to Nampula. Then after dropping off people I went to the mortuary and dropped off the stretcher and sheets.
I arrived a little late for my meeting. But next time I’ll remember to ask more questions with the main one being where will be taken the body??? And I was reminded of how God isn’t surprised by any events of a day, He knows what is going on and has things coordinated for me.
Transportation please
Yesterday I walked out of the house and I was stopped by a national asking where another missionary’s house was. I said come with me and I’ll take you there. Believe you me that was easier than my telling him how to get there. I took him and dropped him off at the missionary’s office.
After that I saw a German friend walking so I picked her up and dropped her off at her house. Then I continued on my way. Later in the day after attending a lunchtime prayer time I saw Gabriel, one of the street kids. Let me rephrase that he saw me and ran up to me. He said I haven’t seen you in Nampula in a while where have you been? We talked some and then he asked me to take him to his uncle’s house. I took him there and dropped him off.
The house where I dropped him off is close to one of the pastor’s who I work with a lot. The pastor’s wife was at the side of the road and she flagged me down. Its amazing how quickly and easily they can pick out the missionary’s car. She was on the way to the hospital to visit her niece. I took her to the hospital and dropped her off. Then I went to my next appointment.