Sunday, September 02, 2007

Have you seen the xray?

The other day I received a call from Pastor Manuel asking if I could take him to pick up one of the youth from his church who had a car accident the previous day while delivering the Jesus film equipment. I said yes. Pastor Manuel and I had a trip out planned for that day so we modified our plans.

We went to the hospital which was about 2 hours away. I wasn't sure exactly what we would find. Thankfully, the guy wasn't in too bad of shape. He could walk slowly and he could talk. He was having pain in his kidney area.

The Pastor went through the process of finding him in the hospital and checking him out of the hospital. After a while we started on our way back to Nampula. Along the way we stopped at about 3 different places, two of them being police checkpoints and the other one being the scene of the accident. At each place the Pastor asked if he knew what happened to the guy's documents, where was the car that had the Jesus film equipment and then he showed the xray. It was the funniest thing to me to see him showing all these people the xray of the guy's back. I had to laugh at the situation as he showed the xray everywhere we stopped.

When we returned to Nampula we went to the hospital here so the guy could get examined. After about 3 hours he was on his way home again with prescriptions for pain medication.

Now, the guy is doing better I was able to see him yesterday. I'm not sure if the Pastor has been able to locate the Jesus film equipment yet but hopefully he will.

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