Monday, July 02, 2007

Sunday celebrations

This past Sunday Nampula Baptist Church celebrated their 25th anniversary. It was a day filled with many activities. In true African fashion the Sunday celebration service lasted for about 5 hours. It included singing, dancing, a message, introduction of special guests, history of the church and other things. Thankfully I was able to sit in the congregation and not have to be on stage as one of the "VIPs".

It is a great testimony for a church to be here and still established after 25 years so everyone was excited.

After the service there was a meal which include goat, beef, chicken, rice, beans and other good foods. There was even a really nice cake which tasted as good as it looked.

Those in attendance were like a "who's who" among the Baptists in this area. Quite a few of the out of town pastors and laypeople were in attendance for this celebration. They all wanted to talk to Carol after the service. But that was okay because their were some who I needed to talk to. As I was looking around the congregation I realized how many of the people I knew. I thought wow God is good as I look at how far He has brought me during these past two and a half years. Granted I still don't know everyone but I sure do know alot more than I did when I first started. Great is thy faithfulness O God my Father.

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