Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Who is the driver?

The other week when I was out on my travels several of the people who I travel with wanted their picture made "driving" the car. It was fun to watch them have their serious look as they were trying not to laugh...

More photos from the orphanage

An orphanage visit

And Jesus said let the little children come unto me....These were words that came to mind as I was driving to a place where Joseph has an orphanage. It was in town but the road to get there was not very good. It was a road where 3 km's on it seemed like a lot longer.

Joseph is a young man who feels a great desire to take care of children. At the present time there are 4 children who live with him at the orphanage location and he as another 10 or so that live elsewhere. I'm not sure where elsewhere was, I got confused on that. Of the 4 who live there 2 are his cousins.

They entertained me by singing lots of songs. They all go to school, Joseph showed me the latest homework which they had received grades on and it looked good. They read the Bible together and sing together.

But it was sad to see the living conditions and to see the things which they lacked. Yet they were so happy. As far as they know they have everything they need, they have each other and they have a worker plus Joseph who love them alot.

I was so touched when they gave me a gift for coming to visit them. Here they were giving me a gift when they didn't even have food for that night. I felt so unworthy. All I did was take my camera so I could take pictures of the children and the location.

As I was leaving it reminded me of when my sister came to visit and we went to see another orphanage. We had planned to go eat at a nice restaurant after the orphanage visit. Yet as we were leaving the orphanage we both decided that we couldn't go eat at a nice restaurant when there were children living in such poverty yet again being very happy with what they have.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

The first female

Recently I traveled to an area in the Nampula district but it was only 3 k's from the next district of Murrupula. We went about 35 k's on a nice paved road and then we turned off onto a dirt path. I had traveled on the dirt path road before up to a certain Baptist mission. We went to that Baptist Mission first. Then after quickly stopping there and picking up and dropping off people and things, we continued to our destination.

As we continued the path got smaller and smaller. We crossed two small bathing holes or creeks as Americans would probably call them. After crossing one of the creeks we got stuck. Thankfully a man came along and used his machette to chop down a tree which was in the path so that we could continue on our way. We all said Gracas a Deus (Thank you Lord) when we arrived at the church.

Upon arriving I was told that I was only the 3rd American to have visited that mission. Two other missionary guys were there before. Thus I was the first female to visit there! Quite a claim to fame to have. The people were very glad to see us.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


This past Sunday I was able to travel to a church outside the city and attend a baptism and also a church dedication service. There were 5 people who were baptized in the river.

Happy Faces

I liked these pictures of happy people....

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Safety pins

Can you see the safety pin she is using as an earring? Interesting isn't it?

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Peanuts and more peanuts

During my travels to visit Pedro's mom I was given peanuts as a thanks for visiting her and and others. When I got home I realized how many peanuts that I had. I couldn't resist taking a picture of all the peanuts which I had been given. I hope you can see how full the bag is of peanuts. Along with that I had received two large stalks of bananas. It is great to see how giving the people are even when they don't have many things in our eyes. Yet they always find peanuts, bananas, live chickens or something to share with me when I visit in their areas.

Visit with Pedro's mom

Pedro's mom is a Makhuwa lady who lives about 100 k's outside of Nampula. The other day I had seen her in the village when I was with someone else. There was something about her eyes and face that just grabbed my attention. At that time I wasn't able to visit with her. So God worked it out for me to have another time to go visit with her. This past Tuesday I had that opportunity.

As I turned off the main road I was back on the road where I had delivered the body of the deceased last week. We stopped at the deceased's house as we went by. The mother of the deceased came out to the truck and she grabbed my hand and kept saying thank you. She was so grateful for my delivering the body last week. She continued holding my hand and then she said anytime I am on that road I am to stop at their house because I always have a place at their house. I thought that was so sweet. She and her family were just grateful for what I had done last week. And to think this was the day I was more worried about making my appointment than I was about delivering the body. Thankfully God works in spite of me.

We continued down the road a little ways and arrived at Pedro's mom house. It was a good visit. She said that she was happy because I wanted to come and just visit with her. She prepared a simple lunch of rice and fish but it was good. True to African family tradition her sister and brother also came to visit with us and Pedro's brothers and sisters who live in that area.

After eating the pastor who had traveled with us asked me to take him to his house which was about 8 k's down the road. I said okay. I took him to his house. Then the photo shoot began, see separate entry for that info.

We then returned to Pedro's moms house and then began our way back to Nampula. We had another stop to make before we could leave the area though. We stopped to pick up another lady who wanted to return to Nampula. When we stopped they said Carol we have food for you, we want you to eat. I really wasn't hungry but I said okay. I got out of the truck and went to where two other ladies were and began eating...Well, I forgot one major thing. It is typical African tradition to have a bowl of water which you put your hands in to wash them before and also after you eat. I had just cleaned my hands with hand sanitizer so I forgot the part of washing my hands and I just put my hand directly in the food. As soon as I did it I realized what I had done and I just looked at the other ladies and laughed and quickly drew my hand back. Then washed my hands in the water bowl. They laughed with me. After eating we once again began our journey to Nampula.

It was a good day. While I was there I was able to set up times to return to show the Jesus film and also to do a literacy workshop in the coming weeks. I hope to have opportunity to visit again with Pedro's mom and to build a relationship with her and others who are in that area.

Who had the camera?

On one of my travels the other day the nationals were all lining up for me to take their picture either with their spouse, children, or friends. Alot of times I refer to it as my church directory photo shoot because almost everyone wants their picture made. After a few minutes of taking their picutures I said okay its my turn. Then, I told the pastor I was with that it was his turn to take my picture so he did. I think he did a very good job.

Pedro's mom

This is a photo of Pedro's mom. She is the one who really touched my heart the other week as I looked at her worn face yet happy face. Pray that she would open her heart to God and His truth. Pray that based on God's timing I would have opportunities to share with her.

Monday, July 02, 2007

Sunday celebrations

This past Sunday Nampula Baptist Church celebrated their 25th anniversary. It was a day filled with many activities. In true African fashion the Sunday celebration service lasted for about 5 hours. It included singing, dancing, a message, introduction of special guests, history of the church and other things. Thankfully I was able to sit in the congregation and not have to be on stage as one of the "VIPs".

It is a great testimony for a church to be here and still established after 25 years so everyone was excited.

After the service there was a meal which include goat, beef, chicken, rice, beans and other good foods. There was even a really nice cake which tasted as good as it looked.

Those in attendance were like a "who's who" among the Baptists in this area. Quite a few of the out of town pastors and laypeople were in attendance for this celebration. They all wanted to talk to Carol after the service. But that was okay because their were some who I needed to talk to. As I was looking around the congregation I realized how many of the people I knew. I thought wow God is good as I look at how far He has brought me during these past two and a half years. Granted I still don't know everyone but I sure do know alot more than I did when I first started. Great is thy faithfulness O God my Father.