And Jesus said let the little children come unto me....These were words that came to mind as I was driving to a place where Joseph has an orphanage. It was in town but the road to get there was not very good. It was a road where 3 km's on it seemed like a lot longer.
Joseph is a young man who feels a great desire to take care of children. At the present time there are 4 children who live with him at the orphanage location and he as another 10 or so that live elsewhere. I'm not sure where elsewhere was, I got confused on that. Of the 4 who live there 2 are his cousins.
They entertained me by singing lots of songs. They all go to school, Joseph showed me the latest homework which they had received grades on and it looked good. They read the Bible together and sing together.
But it was sad to see the living conditions and to see the things which they lacked. Yet they were so happy. As far as they know they have everything they need, they have each other and they have a worker plus Joseph who love them alot.
I was so touched when they gave me a gift for coming to visit them. Here they were giving me a gift when they didn't even have food for that night. I felt so unworthy. All I did was take my camera so I could take pictures of the children and the location.
As I was leaving it reminded me of when my sister came to visit and we went to see another orphanage. We had planned to go eat at a nice restaurant after the orphanage visit. Yet as we were leaving the orphanage we both decided that we couldn't go eat at a nice restaurant when there were children living in such poverty yet again being very happy with what they have.