Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Storying Workshop

Many of you have been wondering how the Chronological Bible Storying Workshop went last week. All in all, it went good but I was tired at the end of the week. There were about 50 pastors and church leaders in attendance along with a few missionaries. As it turns out the main part of the teachings were in English and then translated to Portuguese. That was good because I was able to hear both languages. Then the small group times and everything else was in Portuguese. If you looked at the notes which I took it would be hard for someone to follow because some of the notes are in English and some are in Portuguese. I was trying to do it in Portuguese but sometimes my heart language just kicked in and I wrote in English. Plus I couldn’t always write fast enough to keep up in Portuguese.

Each day started with singing in different languages. There were different African people groups represented so each time we sang, we sang songs in different languages. The people really enjoyed the singing and dancing.

Chronological Bible Storying is used to teach Bible stories. This is something which anyone can do even if they aren’t a preacher or teacher. The speaker had us split into different people groups and to choose stories which would be pertinent to our particular people group. For instance in Africa there is a lot of hunger so the story of Jesus feeding the 5000 would be a good one to use.

Something which I noticed was that there weren’t any ladies at this conference. The people in charge of the conference said that it is difficult to have ladies at the conference because they can’t be gone from their families all week or if they bring their babies with them it’s a disruption for the conference. They are trying to figure out ways to get more involved in these conferences which I would like to see.

Thanks for your prayers for me during this week. It was a good week.

1 comment:

Andy said...

Thanks for the update Carol. Wow, even
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