Friday, July 15, 2005

I don't have any friends...

The other night we-some of the ladies from the volunteer team and I were talking to a Mozambican guy about the average age that Mozambicans get married. He said around 19 or so. His age is 23 so I asked him, are most of your friends married? He said I don’t have any friends. I looked at him and quickly thought is he joking? Then I remembered that my language instructor had told me that she didn’t have many friends. That discussion had come up when she asked how many friends I have in the states. I said I have a lot. She said no how many friends do you have? I said a lot. She is in her early 40’s and she only has about 6 people who are her friends. So I learned that there is a difference between friends and acquaintances. How do you cross the threshold to go from acquaintance to friend? I don’t know…Hopefully someday I’ll figure it out and let you. By the way, the young Mozambican guy finally said that he has one friend…

Also this same day I had learned that if you are handing something to someone then you should hand it with your right hand and receive with your right hand. Otherwise it might be considered rude. Giving and receiving with your right hand is the polite and proper way.

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