I'm sure some of you have been wondering how I'm doing in the United States. I must say that it has been an adjustment time even though I was coming home to my home culture. I was given good advice when I was reminded that I had patience with the African culture when I was first learning about it. Now I need to have patience with the American culture as I get reacclimated to it once again.
I did have tooth surgery the other week. It turned out to be more intensive than what I expected, hence the bruise/yellow spot on my jaw.
I am still enjoying being cold and wearing cold weather clothes. I think I am definitely in the minority on that one based on what other people have said!
If you know me, you know that I am enjoying watching ACC basketball and the football playoff games. It is so nice to be able to watch a game almost every night. I could easily get spoiled with that.
As I have been looking back on these 3 past years in Mozambique I am continually reminded about how faithful God is and how blessed I am. I pray that as I share about Mozambique others will see the needs there and pray for the people and share with them in whatever way they can.
I will be traveling soon to different areas to share about the work in Mozambique. I hope to see you soon!